4 German Girls and one Guy do Lines of Coke then Fuck Eachother_Unknown_480p


Xh0tcake I love this kind of girl
modelfinder75 Coke sluts are the best.
[törölve] love to see that clip here! There were info that the blonde was to get married and she and her bridesmaids had some fun on her bachelorette party :)
CokeyMcCokerson Sorry, that info is incorrect, hotones9999. The dude is a soccer star. I can't recall who, can't find the story, but if I remember correctly he checked himself into rehab after the video went public.
BigDrip_pow Bro soccer players are not built like that.. But on a different note, Homeboy is about to get coke dick and regret doing Coke with three bad bitches lol
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